Friday 12 December 2014

Temple Model

For our final Maya assignment, we were asked to model a temple using an image provided to us as reference. We were asked to model the temple as accurately as possible. Unforutunately, I didn't allow myself enough time to completely finish the model, so there is no trim around the front balcony, no windows or doors, nor are the textures aligned properly an all of the model. I aligned the roof texture on one of the roofs, in order to demonstrate at least that I can do it.

This is a simple render of my final temple model. The render was set up simply with the Mental Ray render and using final gathering. I added a 5 degree light angle on the directional light in order to make the shadows softer as they get further away from the object that cast them.

This is the roof where I aligned the textures.

This is my temple in the Viewport.

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