Monday 8 December 2014

Picking Apples Speed Painting

For this excercise, we had to copy an image that was handed out in class, and were given a time limit of (about) two hours. We could use the techniques taught to us in previous sessions in order to complete as much of the image as possible.

First, I started off with a blue background and added a faint gradient in the sky. 

Then, on a new layer, I added the mountains in the background. It took me a long time trying to get the right shade of blue/purple. I forwent the mountains to the right as they would be hidden behind the trees.

I then added the trees on another layer. As with the mountains, I spent a long time trying to get the correct tone. Achieving the same shape in the tree also took a lot of trial and error. I tried to take into consideration the atmospheric purple that effected the tree's tone as they got further away.

I added the front trees and fence posts on another layer, again trying to account for the purple atmosphere.

This final element is what took me the longest. Trying to recreate the correct shape of this character took me a long time. It still isn't even correct, but I had run out of time.

For this exercise, I didn't even attempt to blend the colours or add any detail. Around the edges of the trees, you can see I have added simple blobs of colour in an attempt to 'imply' the detail that was present in the original. I also didn't even get to adding the second character or the moon. What I find most difficult is actually controlling the pen. I spend a lot of time 'trial and error-ing' brush strokes, attempting to get the correct shape.

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