Sunday 7 December 2014

Star Wars Turret Modelling in Maya

In this session, we were tasked with modelling a turret in Maya, using an image of a Star Wars turret as reference. The purpose of this exercise was to further develop our knowledge of Maya's polygonal modelling tools. Robin gave a short demonstration showing us how we should start to approach this exercise, and the rest of the lesson was spent modelling the turret ourselves.

This was the Star Wars turret we had to model.


First, I started off by creating a Cube. 

Then, I selected the top face component and moved it down. I then scaled it negatively in order to create this Pyramid cross-section shape. 

I then used the extrude tool to bring out the top face. Again, I scaled the top face component in order to create the basic shape of the Turret's base. 

Then, using the bevel tool, I beveled the edges of the entire model, excluding the bottom four edges of the base. 

Using the Insert Edge Loop tool, I inserted two vertical edge loops in order to create the two entrances either side of the model. I then extruded the two faces inwards, and beveled the outermost edges of the entrance.

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