Sunday 6 December 2015

Games Production - Milestone 2, Early Gameplay Prototype

In order to try and understand how Unity's NavMesh system works, I created a basic scene in which I created a basic player controller and enemy controller.

In this scene, the player character (grey ball) moves to whatever point the player clicks on. If the enemies (green balls) have line of sight with the player, the enemies will move towards the player. If their line of sight with the player is obstructed, then they will move to whatever point they last line of sight with the player. They remain there until line of sight with the player is once again achieved.

When the enemies come within a short distance of you, then they enter an attack state. In this state, the enemies will turn a shade of red in order to signify to the player that they are attacking. If contact is made between an enemy and the player, then the player dies.


I created another scene where the player has the opportunity to kill the enemy. The white cuboid levitating in the room next to the player is a sword. If contact is made between the player and an enemy whilst the weapon is held, then the enemy dies. 

Currently, the weapon can only be used once. The weapon drops to the floor once it has been used.

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