Thursday 21 January 2016

Games Art Spring - My Games Art Environment Scene

For my Games Art submission, I wish to try and recreate this piece of concept art (below) by Syd Mead. Syd Mead is a concept artist who also used to work as vehicle designer, so most of the shapes in his designs are geometrically possible. This should mean I will be able to recreate these objects whilst also retaining their appearance as they are in this image.

There are several features that the Unity game engine offers that I intend to leverage in order to create the same aesthetic in this image. Due to the reflective nature of a lot of the materials in this image, I plan to make use of Unity's reflection probes and the Screen Space Reflections Image Effect. I hope to use Unity's atmospheric scattering in order to create the lighting in the fog that can be seen on the right side of the mountain.

I plan on omitting the characters and car from the scene in order to make creating this scene achievable within the given timeframe.

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