Wednesday 30 March 2016

Games Art Spring - Creating a Tiling Stone Wall

In order to use a texture on a model with large surface area, I will need to create tiling texture so that I can retain detail whilst also not using up masses of memory of a giant texture.

I needed to create a stone wall for the pillars of the garage. To begin, I tried to find an image of a stone wall that resembled the stone wall in Syd Mead's concept image. The image below was the closest I could find.

Then, using this image as reference, I traced around the individual pieces of stone.

Then in order to make this seamless, I duplicated the image four times and manually matched up areas where the stone pieces didn't match up.


Then, using the center quarter of this image, I imported it into ZBrush and used it as an alpha mask in order to elevate the stone areas of the texture. I then used ZBrush's surface noise in order to create more detail, and I then used the 'trim adaptive' brush in order to flatten certain areas, simulating weathering over time where the coarse surface has been smoothed by rain.

I could then use this high-poly mesh to create normal, ambient occlusion, height and cavity maps from.

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