Tuesday 24 March 2015

Alley Scene with DirectX11 Shaders in Maya

Barrel without a Specular Map

Barrel with Specular Map

Frogman Work In Progess

Initial sketches in Photoshop

A quick paint of my first initial sketch

Sketch of my final Frogman.

A work in progress of my final Frogman.

How far I got with my final Frogman.

Animated Sprite Explosion

Paint-over Techniques in Photoshop

Unwrapping an Organic T-Rex Model in Maya

Organic T-Rex Modelling in Maya

In this lesson we were tasked with modeling a T-Rex using a sketch provided to us as reference. We had to make sure that all the faces on the model were quads and not triangles. I assume the reason for this is to make sure that when Mudbox or ZBrush subdivides the model, you do not end up with a large number of edges all converging on one vertex.

We had to use the edge loops to create a topology that 'describes' the surface of a T-Rex.

Since we didn't have any reference for the front view of the model, I looked up some extra T-Rex images to use as reference. On the left, you can see my original T-Rex head that I had created without any reference. On the right, I used a still from Jurassic Park as reference for the front view of the T-Rex.

My final T-Rex model.

My final T-Rex model wireframe.

Monday 23 March 2015

Steampunk Work in Progress

For this assignment, we were tasked with designing a steampunk character or object.

Hand WIP.

Friday 20 March 2015

VAA Character Modelling Assignment

For this assignment, we were tasked with modelling a character based on images that were handed to us as reference.

This was my first attempt. However, this model had incorrect topology. The edge loops around the groin would not deform properly if the model was animated. I then started again and tried to create correct topology.